Friday, April 10, 2009

Meeting Dates

The child-friendly afternoon social dates for term 2 are:

  • Friday 8th May
  • Friday 12th June

These will be held at Ruth's place in North Dunedin from 1.30pm. For more info drop us a line at dunedin.che at gmail dot com.

This is an opportunity for the children to socialise and for the Mums to catch up over afternoon tea. These afternoons are informal and arrival and departure times are flexible. We are happy for you to pop in and out at your leisure.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Here Begins the Blog for the Dunedin Christian Home Educators


Well, the first term for 2009 has drawn to a close. Things have been pretty quiet for the group so far this year but that is set to change.

This blog is a step in a new direction for the DCHE and we hope it will make it easier for all of us to keep track of meetings, outings and social get-togethers. Meeting times and dates will be posted here, along with proposed and organised activities. If you want to organise a trip let the blog co-ordinator know (currently this is Ruth) and she will post the details on the blog for everyone to see.

This year we will have two social Friday afternoons for the families and one Friday evening meeting for adults per term. Times and Dates will be posted here. These will be in addition to any other organised outings.

We finished the term with a dessert night at Tania's. As always there was lots of yummy food and lots of discussion. Thanks for having us Tania!

Keep your eyes on the blog for the upcoming meeting dates.