Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Upcoming Meetings

Our next afternoon meeting, on Friday 12th June at 1.30pm, will be held at Claire Latta's house.
Please bring a plate for afternoon tea!

Our next evening meeting will be held on Friday 26th June at 7.30pm at Stacey Wilson's place.
Please bring a plate for supper!

We look forward to seeing you all there.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Meeting Hosts

Last Friday's afternoon social was a great success, with as many as 10 families descending upon the People's house! It was wonderful to see so many faces. Great food, discussion and fun was had by all.

The next afternoon meeting is scheduled to be on the afternoon of Friday 12th of June from 1.30pm.

This was to hosted by the Peoples again, but due to providence the family will be out of town, so we need a new host for this afternoon. If you would be happy to host this social meeting please let Ruth or Yolanda know, asap.

Our next night meeting will be on the 26th June from 7.30pm.

We need a host!

If you would like to host an evening meeting please email us at: dunedin dot che at gmail dot com, or phone Yolanda or Ruth.

Fire Station Visit

The Fire Station trip has been booked.

We will be visiting the central fire station (on Cumberland street) Friday 5 June at 10.30 am.

The tour will consist of a chance to look over, and climb over the fire truck/s (this will dependant on which trucks are available for us to look at on the morning). We will be shown all over the fire station, including in control rooms and such like. They will go over what firemen do all day, get dressed up in full rig to show the kids, and allow the kids to try on some of the uniform also. We will also be shown the equipment they use, such as axes, hoses and fire sensing camera' there is a huge variety.

They will divide us up into two groups....ages 0-7, and then 8 upwards, so that things can be more easily geared for each age group.

The tour will take 45 - 60 minutes. There is parking inside the fire station ( through the large gates on Leith Street) for us to use....they have asked for us to limit our cars to about 10, so they still have room to do all the work they need to. This being the case, it might we wise for some of us to car pool. (Please organise your own carpool.)

Numbers on the tour are limited to 35
(including parents), so if people could contact Selina-Jane to book your place. Her email address is: lyonness at clear dot net dot nz

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Regency Book Sale

Just a reminder to everyone that the annual REGENCY 24 hr BOOK SALE is on again at the Regency Theater in the Octagon, this coming Friday 15th May.

Opening at 12 noon Friday and closing at 12 noon on Saturday.

This is a great opportunity to pick up some bargains to stock the school shelves with while also supporting our theater.

See you there!